A Note from KCSA on COVID-19
To say these are unprecedented times sounds trite given the global COVID-19 pandemic, but the reality is, we have never seen anything like this in our lifetimes. “Business as usual” no longer exists, and we are quickly understanding the dynamic “new” normal that we find ourselves in.
At KCSA we are committed to the health and safety of our employees, while doubling down on our commitment to support our clients during this time of great uncertainty.
The good news (although it was hard to see a silver lining at the time) is that the senior leadership team at KCSA successfully helped its many clients navigate during times of great uncertainty and change, including 9/11 and the 2008 recession.
If history has taught us anything, we have learned that companies that maintain a consistent, proactive and highly disclosed approach to stakeholder communications – in both good and bad times – are rewarded over the long haul.
A well-thought-through communications strategy will inform your core audiences, employees, members and others about how you are dealing with this challenge, how your actions will impact them and what you will do to operate as best as possible in the new normal.
What we do know is that we are all in this together. If you think it's time for your company to pull together a formal communications strategy, or if you have questions about your current communications strategy, KCSA can help. Email us at info@kcsa.com.